Sunday, August 17, 2008

Faux Presidential Campaigns by some Smart-ass Blogger

In light of my recent announcement that I am running for President of the United States, I would like to separate myself from other such declarations made by others throughout the internet.

I am not scandal ridden like so many other bloggers before me. There are no skeletons in my closet that I am not willing to divulge for a campaign contribution or some free press. I have never cheated on my past girlfriends, though on the other hand, I don't mind helping them cheat on their partners.

Another difference is that I have a political policy (Fuck It) that will dictate all my other governmental policies. If I may try to better define Fuck It for you the reader and possible vote.
It is a "counter-punch" reaction to shit that a) is going on now, b) happened in the past, c) will inevitably happen, or d) is always happening. I hope that helps a little. I haven't hammered out all the little details, the what ifs, and the what-have-yous but it will soon be clear.

I also think I differentiate from the rest of the faux field by my virtue of being from another country. You will hear more from me, that I assure.

In peace, love, and drug-induced euphoria,
forever yours,
O'Really, the one real, actual choice for President of the United States of America

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