Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Caving in.

No more elections for this motherfucker. Sick of it. Sick of it all.

Obama/Biden will win. You'll see. In a hilarious fashion only known to me and a few others. eh he he he he ha ha ha ha ha!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

People Who Have Actually Experienced a Drug, Know more than those who haven't

First, I would like to address this ongoing question of my sanity or mental well being. All work and no play make O'Really... ah shit, I got nothing.

I am going to be addressing a subject that will make people uncomfortable and you might blanche at the first sentence after the fold. It will shock everyone even the people involved with taboo subject.

Is everyone ready?

Crystal Methamphetamine is a useful drug. Though it is psychologically addicting like any drug.

How are you doing?

Take a deep breath.

There might be some anger or feelings of dismissal

I bet most of you do not believe because medical studies show...

Any medical study that says Crystal Methamphatemine is an addictive drug didn't even bother to properly and thoroughly test the effects of it.

Right now, I am going to let you walk through this. I am not going to bombard you with this information because this is a community service. Don't worrry that I'm using any trick or lie to tell you something I really believe in. But for that to happen, you have to read more.

Now, right, how do I beat this scientific study? How would one go about it? Well, in this case it is through one who takes crystal meth everyday of his life and has observed its effects on lives on peoples.

Me. Crystal meth is a drug of moderation.

Eeerrrrrch! Slam!!!

If I had continued, there is a good chance that anything I say is forfeit. So, I'm switching gears and showing you the basic crystal meth economy model. What better place to look at all I have said then the beginning. So lets start with the basic elements of what crystal meth and it's basic appendages.

Well, lets look at the crystal meth lab. A highly dangerous place, that needs supervision less it explode. Interesting? Wouldn't there have been developed a safer place? Especially because soooo much money is involved. Oh, never mind, crystal meth is the cheapest hard drug where users don't use that much because it is extremely powerful and because of that power people moderate its use so that they can get the most of their drug value. That's right, crystal meth is made the way it is to last the longest and give you the most value for your dollar. Hey crystal meth sounds like a discount store. And so obviously this is a scourge to be gotten rid of because any one who deals crystal meth is not going to see that same client for another week. I remember in some movie, some book, some newspaper, some mafia movie, that dealers always want to move on the up and up?

"Oh my fucking god, crystal meth dealers and the people who make it are the stupidest fucking dealers in the world. How are they ever going to make more money?"

- If anyone doesn't understand, for even an instance, that that above paragraph wasn't sarcastic, you now have to go back to the top of this bulletin and start from the beginning. Oh, don't think I don't know who winced because they didn't know that was sarcasm. Good, none of you tried to pull one over me.

I know I just joked to for you to take some time to absorb it. But that was just there to confuse your brain, so that your mind is taken off the subject matter. And because your mind is no longer engaged...

you will be truly relaxed. This is a lot to take in all at once. If you feel overwhelmed by the knowledge, take a break. Take a deep breath. If you need to think about what I just said, take your time. What I'm writing is very difficult to understand because society doesn't like things it doesn't understand fully so they make it illegal so that they do not have to think this unknown thing is out there and makes them feel ill at ease.

Society, in this case, reacts correctly. When something unknown enters society and you have no idea what it will do, you cordon it off block, make it punishable so that their is less of this unknown thing that may or may not cause scary things. The unknown is fear inducing. And do you know who enter the unknown, who face down scary things, and they face these scary things down, they get hurt, sick, lost, reckless, twisted, awful.

btw, I have given crystal meth to a 15 year old girl. I was 23. A full 8 years older. And later on that night, it was just me and her in our friends house in the living room. All alone. There would be nothing to stop me from taken advantage of her. And oh, she liked me and if we did have sex it would have been consensual. But compromising my moral integrity is never an answer. No matter what the temptation, or what is being offered freely. There is no way in hell I am going to have sex with a 15 year old girl. - a beat - though, at 23, I might have had sex with a seventeen year old girl but only if she was more mature than her age. But that would have been an unlikely scenario as well. I like my women assertive, straight forward, and feminine.

Oh noes! The drug has control over everything about meeeeeee!

let's us all take a break. stretch your neck. Or if you need to forget all this heady stuff just open up another tab, hit that porn bookmark, and forget this for awhile.


Of course, I don't give a shit if you believe me or not. It happens to be true due to my experience and many others and not some sermonizing, demonizing bullshit that was created out of a vacuum. And save your half truths for others who do not know what they are talking about.

Remember people, I'm delusional. And... who knows, maybe someone will tell me I'm wrong when I know I'm right and it won't make a lick of difference cause I found god.

Monday, October 6, 2008

No one believes my words until they hear me speak

or other some bullshit that people add emphasis and connotation to words that mean exactly what they mean. And if this applies to you, don't comment. I happen to no more about shit than you, simply based on my varied life experience. I experience emotional pain on a far deeper level than most people. And I'm not bragging. I wish I didn't. I'm probably delusional, mentally ill, crazy, addicted to something, on something. That must be the answer to what I write.

Anyway, I'll leave you with this.

The knowledge I impart,
with knowledge you depart.