Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You Can't Stop Progress

I've been doing a lot of thinking today and I came to a realization, a truth if you will, about society.

You can't have a society without the dregs of society. There will always be street prostitution, there will always be drugs, there will always be criminals doing crimes whether the media reports is or not. Crime is not dictated by the media, a politician, a demagogue, a police officer, or the elderly.

You also cannot eradicate terrorism or evil or inconvenient truths. There will always be a percentage of us that do not comply with society at all. "They fell through the cracks, they never belonged, they were lost nearly from the start."

Society's problem and solution is always trying to fill the cracks with some concrete crackdown toughness. The War on Drugs. The War on Terrorism. Zero Tolerance. Three Strikes Your Out. The War on Evil. The War on Crime. Instead of "tough new cracking skulls" policies, society needs to show compassion and understanding but with a firm but not too firm grip on limiting the always present ills of society.

For an example of society implementing bludgeons to fill the crack... In every fucking speech George Bush makes he mentions some inane shit about eradicating "Extreme Islamists" or eradicating "terror in our time" or "destroying evil, wherever evil is." You cannot possibly do this. Ever. All of society, in all its power, and if in one moment we could combine our goodwill and address all of society's ills, we would fail.

Society having its dregs is a feature of society that will never see its end.

What kind of Utopian hell would we create in its absence?

Movies that will Inevitably be made

Fuck Death Argh Kill - Self explanatory.

A Selection of George Bush's Speeches during his Presidency, 2001-2009 - An ill conceived conceptual comedy compromised of reactions from people groaning, shaking their head in wonder, and averting their gaze from the Television or computer monitor lest they have to watch a grown man embarrass himself so badly.

Jack Smithing: Representative of Congress - About an uber rich member of the US congress, just like nearly all of them, stays uber rich all during his conflict of interest free years as a congressperson. Roger Ebert described this movie as the type of movie you "want to throw shit at the screen," and "wonder aloud that the country you live in is a corrupt, fucking disgrace."

Cocaine is Awesome - A propaganda piece by Cocaine Lobbyists. It extols the virtues of Cocaine use while downplaying the negative side effects or tries to make the lesser negative side effects as the only problem with Cocaine addiction. Like: "... and the worst thing about the aftermath of a 3 day Cocaine Fiesta is... nose bleeds!" Then the hollow laughter of the soulless.

Braying Donkeys - All about the stupid people who do stupid things underneath my second story apartment window. All they do is talk loud and about nothing. They never say anything interesting ever! And when I try to follow what they are talking about, I get lost in the banality of it all. They speak a dialect of English whose intricacies I have not fully explored. The inane dialect of the English language. Ya hear that, space fillers!!!

Requited Love - A (sigh) heartwarming movie that interweaves the lives of couples who have found the right person in the form of their best friend. Fuck this movie! Sorry, by all accounts, it's lovely.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Movies I Would Like to Make: More...

Bloodless Coup - Political comedy-drama where everyone gets fed up with the sitting President and takes over the 'White House." Could be any country. ahem.

Cactus in Your Armpit - this is mostly from a hallucination I wrote down. Something to do with not putting a cactus under your armpit and teaching one's sister German from a five inch German to English bible. But by doing so, you are making her retarded. Pathos will inevitably ensue.

This last one is more serious: I call it Slow Hole to China. Here is an excerpt:

... The company could afford only 34 days off a year for any employee. Though, Cassie went missing for more than a month, she was actually doing company business. That particular bit of business was for her to set up a "hole to China" office in the federal government super structure. What she actually built, did something else entirely. It would periodically, through its scan resistant programming, plant false information. That false information, always starting at infinitesimal, slowly over 4 to 4.3 years to disintegrate the system. After that, all the work that had been done with the system it will amount to absolutely nothing. So even the accurate information inputted into the system is now wrong. Because Cassie and the company would be obviously implicated, they made sure Cassie only supervised the physical construction of it, not its software or how or when and why it got its information. What the Federal Government will never find out is that the physical construction has the built in 'infinitesimal' wrong information. So the structure itself provides the 'hidden' built in 'software.' Which is actually hardwired and not software at all but a feature of the structure, "the Slow Hole to China."

As soon as other software gets uploaded and the system implemented, the problem* will be there. Right at the same time the first button is pressed to implement the government sanctioned software. So, even if they discover it, right away, they will think its the software. So, they will try new software and again the problem recognizes the difference and now, will 'find' a blind spot to start its unraveling of the system.

So, what do you think? The last one is a work in progress and looks to be either short story material or even novel or novella material. Who knows?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Campaign for Prez!

It's going great out here! The tight knit group of campaigners and volunteers I have working for me are the cream of the crop. The best of the best and also, well, the easiest people in the world to convince they are doing something great for humankind.

The suckers.

But that's another story. I'm just going to come right out and say it. I need campaign funds. Neeeeed! The top runners, McCain/Palin, and Obama/Biden, are raising hundreds of millions. Now, I'm not asking for that kind of money. It would be nice to say, "we have hundreds of dollars in the campaign coffers," but we can't because it would be a lie.

And I think that's a sad reflection on you, my supposed supporters. So get up there and pony up the cash. Have fundraisers and tell people it's for sick, dying kids in Africa. 'Cause in a way, it is. I plan, if I get elected, to help out the African nations who are suffering the worst with a AIDS Knowledge program and getting other rich people to fund that program so that the government is not the only entity picking up this enormous bill. So, in other words, technically, you are not lying when you say and do this. Please do this!

I know a lot of you have been clamoring for me to explain my Fuck IT policy. Well, in case you haven't looked at the other contenders, they're not telling you about their policies either. Ok, some, but not too much. Fuck IT will be implemented in all government agencies where applicable. It will also go by the code name: Why Not? There, you happy? Damnable nitpickers!

One more thing, before I go. Man, this election season is long. If this were any other democracy, the campaign wouldn't last more than three months and more likely, two. Fuck this forever campaigning shit.

Oh, well. I've let you know what's inside my mind. Sorry for the great distance from the last campaigning post to this one. I was... busy.

Remember, to vote. Oh, yeah, Canada is gearing up for an election of the Federal kind. It ends before the American one. That's a gas.

Corporate Welfare

700 billion dollars for banks that ceased to function. Here is a link you can use to tell you why the government intervention isn't the problem but how it is being done.


An excerpt:

Let me be clear. The scandal is not that government is acting. The scandal is that government is not acting forcefully enough--using its ultimate emergency powers to take full control of the financial system and impose order on banks, firms and markets. Stop the music, so to speak, instead of allowing individual financiers and traders to take opportunistic moves to save themselves at the expense of the system. The step-by-step rescues that the Federal Reserve and Treasury have executed to date have failed utterly to reverse the flight of investors and banks worldwide from lending or buying in doubtful times. There is no obvious reason to assume this bailout proposal will change their minds, though it will certainly feel good to the financial houses that get to dump their bad paper on the government. (emphasis added)

Exactly what the US institutions need. Bailouts are one thing. Bailouts with just money thrown behind are stupidly criminal. Read the whole damn thing. It won't make you feel better and there is an off-chance you might vomit.

I nearly did.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Moses is a Warlord Part 2

This one will be quick. It has mostly to do with the 'Golden Calf' incident.

Now, Moses is up on Mount Sinai, and the people down below are wondering what's going on. They ask Aaron to make them something they can worship because who knows when god-boy Moses is coming down or if he's even alive.

So Aaron gets all their gold jewelry, smelts it and melts it, and voila! a handcrafted golden calf by Aaron, speaker to Moses' thinker. Which the people ask if they can worship and Aaron says they can. And everything is a-ok!

Oh ohs! God tells Moses to better hurry down as the people are acting like heathens. Moses gets there and is understandably outraged. He asks Aaron for an explanation and to Aaron's credit, he tells the truth.

Now, instead of punishing Aaron, Moses deems the unruly rabble as guilty and asks "who serves the lord?" Of course, the Levites bring up their swords and slay 3000 of the Israelites. (who knew priests had swords? Explains the nifty Ephods, though)

Who would you punish? The leader that said it was ok to worship a golden calf he himself helped make or the people who's only crime was to ask and then to follow this 'false' leader?

Or was Moses never going to find one of the people he deigned worthy guilty of anything?

Oh, you all know my guess.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Moses was a Warlord: Part One

Let's start with the tribe Moses and Aaron came from; The Levites. In Genesis(NIV) 49:5-7, Jacob, also named Israel, condemns both Simeon, and Levi. He states in verse six: "Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger..."

So, why is it then in the next four chapters in the bible, that the Levites are seen as the great priests and dispensers of justice? Simply due to nepotism. Why do you think they got all those cool priestly vestments? Ephods unlike you've ever seen! And great care is taken to describe how good and damage absorbing these are. Of course, the rest of the tribes of Israel can pretty much just fend for themselves as far as armour goes in battle. And of course, Moses probably never went to battle as he never deems battle to be worthy of description in his precious four book ode to himself and a few asides to his brother Aaron and the holy rocking priesthood that is the Levi tribe of Israel, ironically cursed by Israel himself. I think ole Jacob/Israel had something there.

Among the many things described in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy is about the ark, the priests garments, strange rituals the priests have to perform (Exodus 30: the whole chapter and I'm sure repeated ad-nauseaum in the other three books as well), in minutiae details of animal sacrifices, the tabernacle, etc.

I'm getting more general now.

You can tell Moses wrote the four books after Genesis because he cannot shut up about how great he is and how much the Israelites he 'lead' or 'caused to leave' Egypt complain. "Oh, we don't have water, oh, we don't have anything to eat." Whiners! No food and water, pah! God will smite all our enemies. All of them! And you dare to complain about lacking the basic needs of humanity?! I daresay, you lot should be grateful, for the Lord (or really, Moses) has lead you out of Egypt. Into the desert. To schlep across the desert, smiting cities and peoples that were never your enemy and that never did anything to you.

This truly is an awesome God. I mean Moses is awesome.

Old Testament God, that Moses seems to know, doesn't jibe with New Testament God that Jesus describes. Though, after the Torah, (the first five) you will eventually come across Psalms mostly written, supposedly, by David. For David, unlike Moses, truly believed in God. He didn't want to be the war monger for a war mongering God, he wanted a peaceful, a merciful God. You know, one that didn't want to wipe out civilizations because they annoyed him. But all David got from anybody as far as advice goes was "go make war, do stupid shit because our teachings say we are chosen and special and the rest of the world can fuck off and die at our hands."

Jesus, on the other hand, was a man of peace when all around him was violence and death and conquering. He truly was a revolutionary leader unlike Moses who seemed to like ordering death and destruction to those who happen to be in the vicinity.

I'll get back to more Moses, the Warlord in Part Two of this indeterminate amount of Parts Series.

People Suck

I don't ask for much in the way of niceties when I meet someone new. But saying thanks to someone who gives you something you have asked for is one of them.

Tonight, this bare assumption that I would receive thanks for anything I do for this particular person, someone who I just met, was laid to waste. I made a mental note of it and tried not to act like a dick about it.

That is all.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Upcoming Canadian Election

That's right, the federales are pushing this one. In October. Of this year. Eat your heart out, America. It only takes us a few months to get the democratic ball of justice rolling. You guys take freakin' years.

That said, I don't know which way I'm voting. My politics says NDP but the constituent in me says Conservative. Living in Abbotsford, B.C., Ed Fast has done nothing but good. In case you're wondering why I would ever vote Conservative. He's the damn reason, not Harper. Whom I don't particularly think is a good PM even though he has done a few things worthy of admiration.

One being that he saw the Dalai Lama in his office instead of a hotel room. Unlike so many other world leaders afraid to piss off China.