Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Caving in.

No more elections for this motherfucker. Sick of it. Sick of it all.

Obama/Biden will win. You'll see. In a hilarious fashion only known to me and a few others. eh he he he he ha ha ha ha ha!


g said...

personally, im just waiting impatiently for the daily show to start sending their correspondents back to weird hick towns with weird hick problems and ask weird hicks the unfunniest questions garnering the funniest responses (i had to type "mogro" to post this

O'Really said...

Totally, dude. abso-fucking-lotuely.

As much as the political stuff was rock solid, all of fame type material. It eats at the backbone of morality and therefore most of humanity.

Except the hicks! Bring 'em on! I go nothing...